Importing genotyping data in VCF / HapMap / PLINK / Intertek / Flapjack / BrAPI format

Properties followed by * are required

You may only create temporary databases
Text fields may be used to pass an http URL, a BrAPI v1.1 endpoint, or an absolute path on webserver filesystem.
You may upload up to Mb.
Only one file may be submitted at once, except for the PLINK format where .ped and .map are expected.
NB: If your genotyping data contains sample IDs rather than individual IDs you may supply a tab-delimited file (.tsv or .csv) providing a mapping based on columns named 'individual' and 'sample' (not supported for BrAPI imports)
... or drop files here or click to upload
Accepted extensions:
VCF format: .vcf
Hapmap format: .hapmap or .txt
PLINK format: .ped + .map
Intertek format: .intertek
Flapjack format: .genotype + .map
Sample file: .tsv or .csv (tab-separated)

Adding metadata to a database's individuals or samples

Providing metadata for individuals will enable users to select them by filtering on that metadata.

The expected format is tab separated values (.tsv or .csv extension), or Flapjack's .phenotype file.

The first row in TSV file (header) must contain field labels, one of them must be named "".

Other rows must contain field values, with an exact match for names in the above column.

Flapjack .phenotype files provide no way of specifying the target entity type, so the selection made in the UI is taken for granted.

Text field may be used to pass an http URL or an absolute path on webserver filesystem.
File upload is supported up to the specified size limit.
... or drop file here or click to upload
(max size: 5 Mb)
Accepted extensions:
.tsv or .csv (tab-separated only)